Sell-side brokers bring to the SRI research process a large number of skills and capabilities that are not available elsewhere.  However, they also operate under different constraints (esp. regulatory, reputational) and different cost pressures to other SRI research providers.

As a result, the ‘sell-side’ needs to position its SRI engagement very carefully and to ensure that it leverages, to the maximum, its existing capabilities.

Sustainable Investor offers…

…to investment research teams, corporate broking teams and corporate access teams:

  • Introductory briefings on SRI & the sell-side
  • Clients needs analysis to identify the requirements of both corporate and investment clients
  • Client advisory work to help corporate clients through the process of understanding SRI, developing strategies and preparing messages
  • Capabilities review to identify existing capabilities that can be deployed to effect in the SRI market
  • Scenario-based strategies to identify a menu of options for the development of SRI research capacity